Prehensile-Tailed Skink - Corucia zebrata

Tropical rain forests
Solomon Islands, Asia
Activity Cycle:
Crepuscular coming out during dawn and dusk.
The prehensile-tailed skink ranges in color from olive to green with shades of green decorating their back. It has a prehensile tail and four very strong legs that have very sharp claws. It has a broad-shaped head and a large mouth with lots of small, very sharp teeth.
Largest known living species of skink, reaching a length of 32 inches. They weigh between 14-28 ounces.
Social Structure:
Life Expectancy:
It is thought that captive prehensile-tailed skinks can live for up to 25 years.
Mainly on the leaves of the Solomon Islands creeper plant. They are almost exclusively herbivorous, rarely eating insects.
Copulation takes place during early evening in the trees, and may last from 5-15 minutes. The female produces eggs which hatch inside her body. Gestation is about 6-7 months after which a single (occasionally a pair) large offspring will be born. Offspring are born between 6-8 inches long.
Capture for the pet trade and habitat loss due to logging are concerns. The Solomon Islands government has regulated trade on these and other reptiles to help avoid endangerment. They are listed under Appendix II of CITES and are part of an AZA Species Survival Plan.
Interesting Facts:
- Unlike other skinks these animals are arboreal, spending little time on the ground.
- Prehensile-tailed skinks are usually found in the oldest trees in the primary forest.
- They lack the ability to drop their tails when attacked.
- Disruptive color patterns and slow movements help the skink go unnoticed.

AZA cooperatively manages this species as a Species Survival Plan® Program.
- Adult (13 and over)$12.50
- Child (2 - 12)$9.00
- Child (1 and Under)FREE
- Senior (65+)$11.50
- Active Military$11.50
We begin transferring animals to evening (off exhibit) holding at 4:30 each night.
Find Us
2320 N. Prospect Rd.
Peoria, IL 61603
Phone: 309-686-3365
Open Daily 10:00-5:00
Last admission at 4:30