California King Snake - Lampropeltis getulus californiae
desert, woodlands, chaparral, farmland, river bottoms, grasslands, deciduous and coniferous forests
West coast of N. America, from tip of Baja to Southern Oregon. W. Coast of California to Nevada and Arizona
Activity Cycle:
most active when hungry or agitated
brown and yellow in color
Weight: up to 2 pounds: Length: 30 to 70 inches long (2-3 inches is the tail)
Social Structure:
are usually solitary creatures, except when they hibernate
Life Expectancy:
12 to 15 years and up to as long as 20 yrs
Diet in the wild: rodents, birds, lizards, frogs, snakes
IUCN lists California kingsnakes as "least concern".
Interesting Facts:
- has bad eye sight due to positioning of eyes on sides of head. But does have good close-up vision.
- It was once thought that these snakes were immune to venom. They are not but have a tolerance for it.
- Kingsnake’s jaws are hinged and allow them to swallow prey larger than their head.
- They have a tolerance for rattlesnake venom, unless a large dose is injected into the head or heart of the kingsnake, death may occur.
- Has a spine consisting of 100-400 vertebrates and each is attached to a pair of separate thin ribs. This allows them to climb and move in an S shape.
- The King snake can hear low frequency sounds and feel vibrations. This enables them to sense approaching animals before they reach the area where the snake is.
- The Jacobson’s organ and the snake’s fork shaped tongue allow the snake to smell its environment.
- Adult (13 and over)$12.50
- Child (2 - 12)$9.00
- Child (1 and Under)FREE
- Senior (65+)$11.50
- Active Military$11.50
We begin transferring animals to evening (off exhibit) holding at 4:30 each night.
Find Us
2320 N. Prospect Rd.
Peoria, IL 61603
Phone: 309-686-3365
Open Daily 10:00-5:00
Last admission at 4:30