Southern Three-Banded Armadillo - Tolypeutes matacus

They prefer dry forests, savannas, open grassy areas, and marshes.
Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay
Activity Cycle:
They have four claws on each forefoot. The three strips of toughened skin in the middle of their back allow for them to protect themselves from predators. They have a long snout for smell (most developed sense) and a long tongue for scooping up fleeing insects.
12-14 inches, usually 4-7 pounds
Social Structure:
solitary unless the temperature gets too cold when they’ll huddle together.
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
ants, termites, other insects, fruit, and some small invertebrates
The gestation period of a three banded armadillo is around 120 days. They will give birth to a single baby between November and January. They babies can curl into a ball immediately after birth. The young will nurse for about 72 days before being weaned. It is sexually mature after 9-12 months of life.
Stable, they are considered near threatened. They are also in an AZA Species Survival Plan.
Interesting Facts:
- they mark their territory with a scent
- they are born soft and leathery, it takes a few weeks for them to develop their hard shell
- they can smell a worm that is 8 inches underground
- when threatened they will curl into a ball which protects them from most
- predators, except large ones like jaguars that can crack their shell
- they are the only type of armadillo that can completely enclose themselves by rolling into a ball
- they are classified as a toothless mammal but they have small primitive teeth at the sides of their jaws.
- The head plates are unique to each armadillo, like human fingerprints.
- Has a hard time maintaining body temperature so must be in warmer habitats.
- Hard shell is called a carapace and is made of bone and tough skin.

AZA cooperatively manages this species as a Species Survival Plan® Program.
- Adult (13 and over)$12.50
- Child (2 - 12)$9.00
- Child (1 and Under)FREE
- Senior (65+)$11.50
- Active Military$11.50
We begin transferring animals to evening (off exhibit) holding at 4:30 each night.
Find Us
2320 N. Prospect Rd.
Peoria, IL 61603
Phone: 309-686-3365
Open Daily 10:00-5:00
Last admission at 4:30