Hoffman’s Two-toed Sloth - Choloepus hoffmanni

It is an arboreal animal, found in mature and secondary rainforests and deciduous forests.
Hoffmann's Two-toed Sloth is found in the rainforest canopy in Central and South America, from Nicaragua south to Bolivia, and from Peru east to Brazil.
Activity Cycle:
Brown shaggy fur with two giant claws on each foot.
8-20 lbs and about 2 ft in length.
Social Structure:
Female sloths may live in groups, while male sloths are usually solitary.
Life Expectancy:
12-20 years
Though two-toed sloths may occasionally eat fruits and flowers, nearly all of their diet is composed of tree leaves.
A single offspring is born after a five or six month gestation period. In the first month of ifs life the young sloth remains firmly attached to its mother, hidden in her coat. At 5 months of age it is almost completely independent, but does not reach full maturity for almost two more years. Females reach sexual maturity at 3 ½ years of age whereas males reach it at 4-5 years.
Of little concern according to the IUCN Red List and are in Appendix III of Cites with Costa Rica. They are also part of an AZA Species Survival Plan.
Interesting Facts:
- The name “sloth” means “lazy,” but the slow movements of this animal are actually an adaptation for surviving on a low-energy diet of leaves.
- Defecate only once every 5 days! They come down to the ground 1 x a week to defecate and urinate.
- Sloths have very poor eyesight and hearing, and rely almost entirely on their senses of touch and smell to find food.
- Hang upside down almost all the time!
- Sloths spend nearly their entire lives in an upside down position, eating, sleeping, mating and giving birth all that way.
- Hair has grooves to allow algal growth. Algae helps them camouflage and nutrients can be ingested by licking or absorption through the skin.
- 2 toed sloth’s have 6 vertebrae and 3 toed sloth’s have 9 vertebrae.

AZA cooperatively manages this species as a Species Survival Plan® Program.
- Adult (13 and over)$12.50
- Child (2 - 12)$9.00
- Child (1 and Under)FREE
- Senior (65+)$11.50
- Active Military$11.50
We begin transferring animals to evening (off exhibit) holding at 4:30 each night.
Find Us
2320 N. Prospect Rd.
Peoria, IL 61603
Phone: 309-686-3365
Open Daily 10:00-5:00
Last admission at 4:30