Chinese Muntjac - Muntiacus reevesi

They need large amounts of cover and can be found in temperate to tropical forests, usually near a water source.
Naturally found in deciduous forests of southern China and Taiwan but have been introduced into the southern portion of Great Britain.
Activity Cycle:
Crepuscular-active mainly at dawn and at dusk
Males have antlers, that are shed annually, and large canine teeth that can get up to 1 inch long. Females have bony knobs in place of antlers and smaller canine teeth than the male.
Length is 31-39 inches, height is 15-18 inches, weight is usually between 24-35 pounds
Social Structure:
They are solitary and territorial. They usually defend their territories from each other, but sometimes male territories can overlap with several female territoeies. They do use their preobital glands to scent mark their territory.
Life Expectancy:
Muntjacs can live up to 17 years
Herbivores with the diet consisting of grasses, leaves, bark, fruits and seeds
Muntjac are sexually mature between 6 and 12 months. Their main breeding periods are from January to March but can take place throughout the year. Males normally mate with females near their own territory. Gestation period lasts 7 months. They weigh about 24 ounces at birth and are born with white spots to help them camouflage. The young are weaned at 2 months and kicked out on their own shortly after that, just as mothers are due to give birth again.
Common, is listed as least concern in IUCN. This species is a candidate for a Species Survival Plan with the AZA.
Interesting Facts:
- Muntjacs make a sharp barking sound as their alarm call, which has given them the nickname of “barking deer.” This sound is also common during their breeding season.
- There are 11 species of muntjac.
- Muntjacs have excellent hearing and eyesight.
- Muntjacs are the oldest known deer species; fossil remains date to 15 to 35 million years ago.
- Males have canines that can grow up to 1 inch long and small antlers that are shed annually. Males primarily use their canines to fight others, but antlers can also be used. Antlers are used to push an opponent off-balance, and then canine teeth are used to wound
- Muntjac use their extremely long tongue to reach many of their favorite foods. It’s so long that it can reach over the face to the eyes!
- Adult (13 and over)$12.50
- Child (2 - 12)$9.00
- Child (1 and Under)FREE
- Senior (65+)$11.50
- Active Military$11.50
We begin transferring animals to evening (off exhibit) holding at 4:30 each night.
Find Us
2320 N. Prospect Rd.
Peoria, IL 61603
Phone: 309-686-3365
Open Daily 10:00-5:00
Last admission at 4:30